10 Kalyana Jathaka Porutham
In Tamilnadu people always give very important to Jathakam based on their birth date and time. They are mostly dependent on this horoscope in all the occasions of their life including the marriage occasion. Before selecting a perfect match for a boy or girl, they find 10 Kalyana Jathaka Porutham and its compatibility. The location of planets in 2nd, 4th, 7th house are taken into account and then these 10 thirumana porutham are seen according to the match.
Rasi Porutham Tamil Astrology
This can be done based on the birth Rashi and Nakshatram (star) of the bride or groom. About ten years back the only option to find the 10 Kalyana Jathaka Porutham is Tamil astrologer, but nowadays there are many books and thirumana porutham software are available. The very famous astrologers are giving Kalyana porutham free service also. Tamil people always say that Kalyanam is Aayiram kalathu payir (long livinf plant.) The marriages done by finding exact 10 Jathaka Porutham can go long without any major problems.
Kalyana Porutham Calculator
If the compatibility shows Uthamam, the life of the couple is good
If the compatibility shows Mathimam –Satisfactory married life
Kalyana Porutham Calculator
If the compatibility shows Uthamam, the life of the couple is good
If the compatibility shows Mathimam –Satisfactory married life
If the compatibility shows Athamam – we should not unite the couple.
10 Porutham inTamil Kalyana Porutham astrology
1. Dhina porutham
2. Gana porutham
3. Mahendra porutham
4. Sthree Dheerkam
5. Yoni porutham
6. Rasi porutham
7. Rasi athipathi porutham
8. Vasiya porutham
9. Rajju porutham
10.Vethai porutham
10 Porutham inTamil Kalyana Porutham astrology
1. Dhina porutham
2. Gana porutham
3. Mahendra porutham
4. Sthree Dheerkam
5. Yoni porutham
6. Rasi porutham
7. Rasi athipathi porutham
8. Vasiya porutham
9. Rajju porutham
10.Vethai porutham