What is Dina Porutham?
Dina Porutham Chart Idea for CalculationAshtama Rashi is the eighth rasi. Example eighth for rishabam rasi (Taurus) is dhanusu rasi (count from the rishabam you will get 8th as dhanusu rasi (Sagittarius). The starts nakshatra of dhanusu rasi are Moolam 1,2,3,4 padam Pooradam 1,2,3,4 padam and Uthiradam 1. Belongs to that rasi, when bride stars belongs to rishabam rasi all stars of dhanusu rasi won’t match. In this situation dina porutham chart stats that the compatibility is Athamam. You can calculate dina porutham free with the help of online sources easily with in a minute.
In Tamil thirumana poruthum there are ten porutham are calculated and marriage matching is decided based on the compatibility of all 10 porutham.
In that Dina porutham is considered as a very important one. Many people asks that dina porutham for what?
If the bride and groom jathagam matches for Dina portham they will lead a happy and wealthy life without any problems. To know dina porutham astrology find the star Nakshatra of the bride and groom. While calculating if you get the numbers like 2,4,6,8,9,11,13,15,18,20,24,26
Dina porutham exist between them.
Dina Porutham in Tamil Astrology
The result between them for dina porutham in tamil jathagam is Uthamam. The word Uthamam denotes that good to unite them in life. If you are calculating, except first quarter in twelth, except fourth quarter in fourteenth and except third quarter in sixteenth are Mathimam. Mathimam refers to ‘not bad’ combination. The remaining Rashi stars won’t match, called Athamam. Athamam refers no match and should not unite.
Dina Porutham Chart Idea for Calculation
Is Dina Porutham is important for marriage. How to calculate Dina Porutham, what is the procedure. What are the remedies if Dina Porutham shows athimam. Suggestion needed.
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ReplyDeleteIf the dina porutham is not not good, then is there any remedies or alternatives for it?
Hai Sathya
ReplyDeleteDina porutham pariharam or remedy is there in the form of poojas, consult your astrologer and take remedy according to your Jathagam.
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