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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Free Rasi Porutham Marriage Kalyana Rasi Porutham Tamil

Thirumana Rasi Porutham
Rasi Porutham is considered as important for marriage. This is called Kalyana rasi porutham in Tamil. The place of moon or where moon stands in a person’s Jathagam at birth time. This is also called Chandra Lakinam.  Peyal Rasi Porutham in Tamil astrology states that the couple’s health, offspring and lifespan depends on the compatibility of RasiPorutham.

Free Rasi Porutham for Marriage Finder

Rasi Porutham for marriage is compared with medical test, this rasi porutham compatibility is taken as important even people living in foreign countries. If we combine the Jathagam of therikona rasi, it is good for thie marriage life.

How to find Rasi Porutham online: This can be easy through Rasi Porutham table. If the rasi of the boy is in 7th position from the girl or girl to boy is good compatibility.
In RasiPorutham table Tamil boy rasi in 6th from girls is good for marriage. It is called shadashtak rasi porutham. In reverse, if girl rasi from boy’s rasi is 6th not good for marriage.
If the boy’s rasi is in 8th count from the girl’s rasi it is called shasta shastaga porutham. This is also good for marriage.
If the boys rasi is in 3rd from girl’s, no marriage matching, if it is reverse the RasiPorutham for marriage in Tamil is there for marriage.
If the girl’s rasi is in 11th from the boy’s is no marriage matching. If it is reverse (boy’s rasi is in 11th from girl’s rasi) yes for marriage.
Stree Deerga Porutham

1 comment:

  1. "The place of moon or where moon stands in a person’s Jathagam at birth time."

    Jathagam ??
